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Dear Parishioners,
Fr. Leonid died peacefully at Glen Cove Hospital late last night following a major heart attack.
We were blessed by the presence of Metropolitan Tikhon and Archbishop Michael. The Metropolitan anointed Fr. Leonid and prayed with us. Later Archbishop Michael served a Panikhida at his bedside.
We are grateful to all of you who offered prayers and loving support to our family.
Memory Eternal! Christ is Risen!
With love in Christ,
Mimi, Sonia and Kolya
Dear Parishioners:
Saturday evening Vespers/Matins 6:00 p.m.As we return slowly to our normal church life, Saturday evening services at 6:00 p.m. will be an important dimension. While we can again celebrate services on Saturdays in preparation for the Sunday morning Liturgy, we need to leave room for flexibility. In the past we customarily celebrated Vigil (Vespers and Matins combined as one service). I have been advised that sometimes the lack of singers and readers puts too great a strain on our choir director’s voice. On those occasions, we will need to accommodate reality by celebrating Great Vespers only, without adding Matins.
The Holy Apostles Peter and Paul 7:00 p.m.
In observance of the Feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul we will celebrate a Vesperal Liturgy at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 29th.
Sunday Coffee Hours
It is our hope and intention to resume out traditional Sunday Coffee Hours. Thus, on Sunday, June 27th, you should plan to enjoy Coffee Hour and fellowship again after Liturgy. What we do not know yet is whether we have enough volunteers to sustain weeklyCoffee Hours. It may be that some Sunday Coffee Hours will have to be omitted.
As our nation and the world struggle to overcome the Covid threat, let us ask God to bring us safely through the long journey of the pandemic. Let us strive to uphold in prayer the millions who have died, and the many millions who grieve the deaths of family members.
With love in the Lord,Fr. Leonid